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Application For Letter Verifying Marital Status

General Information

This application is intended for verification of marital status of non-Muslims Malaysian citizen who wish to marry abroad.

Application Requirements

Applications can be submitted only at the NRD headquarters in Putrajaya. or by post addressed to.

Ketua Pengarah
Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara
(Bahagian Perkahwinan dan Perceraian)
No. 20, Persiaran Perdana
Presint 2
(Documents sent by post must include the correct contactible correspondence address).

The validity of the letter verifying marital status is 150 days from the date of issue.

Required Documents
  1. Form JPN.KC09 must be fully completed, particularly the ID number, names of spouses, date and place of marriage.
  2. MyKad (photocopy of MyKad if application is by post).
  3. Photocopy of passport pages with personal details of prospective spouse who is a non-citizen.
  4. Application letter stating the purpose of the application.(ORIGINAL)
  5. Statutory declaration stating the applicant’s current marital status. If the applicant is outside the country, then the declaration needs to be made before a Malaysian representative in that country.(ORIGINAL)
  6. The applicant must issue the power of attorney to delegate the lawyer or mother or father or their children or sibling (brother or sister) to oversee the application, if applicable.(ORIGINAL)
  7. Application letter from the lawyer with power of attorney, if application is made through the lawyer.(ORIGINAL)

RM5.00 for application fee

  1. All photocopies of documents must be certified by the Registrar of Marriages and bear his signature, name, designation and official seal.
  2. No charge or fee shall be imposed on the bridal couple for solemnisation and registration of marriage conducted voluntarily by the Assistant Registrar of Marriages.
  3. Solemnisation and registration of marriage are not allowed outside of approved premises as stated in the appointed certificate.

Under normal circumstances, the letter verifying marital status issued by the National Registration Department headquarters in Putrajaya must be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Wisma Putra) in Putrajaya, Kuching or Kota Kinabalu before it can be used overseas. However, please contact the nearest foreign representative for foreign documentation requirements.

Applications Form

Note: The online forms are to be used as reference only. They may not be printed and used for transaction purposes. For transactions, please use the original forms.

JPNKC09 – Application Form For Letter Verifying Marital Status


Ibu Pejabat Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara Putrajaya, 
No 20, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 2,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62551 Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya. 

Telefon: 03-8000 8000  Faks: 03-8880 8288 
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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